a little bit of saturday sharing..

Wow.. christmas is creeping up so incredibly fast and there are gift guides popping up everywhere I look, our letterbox is getting packed with junk mail, my email inbox is being bombarded by gift guides, christmas offers and discounts etc etc.. its all happening..

I am very relieved to say that gift shopping as far as the kids are concerned is well and truly done and dusted.. I'm even contemplating starting to wrap things slowly when their little eyes are closed and they are tucked into their bed..

There are a few more little gifts I have to gather though and I've decided to stick to online shopping and to the world of handmade.. kasiabear has been featured in a number of treasuries over the last week.. so I've joined in and made a couple of shopping guides too..

here are my two collections..

live page here.. 

live page here.. 
and here are the treasuries kasiabear has been featured in.. lots of lovely kids items as well as for us big ones out there..

Hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend.. 
get into the christmas shopping early and avoid the rush.. 
also don't forget to get your overseas online orders in soon to ensure you receive the goodies before christmas.. 


  1. Thanks Kasia! I love the treauries you put together! PERFECT christmas goodies!

  2. Your treasuries are BEAUTIFUL! I could get lost, in both of those!


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have a beautiful day..
