{a day in the life of..} Sandy Bugg from Wrapped in Fabric

To kick start the {a day in the life of..} series, I'd love to introduce the lovely Sandy Bugg from Wrapped in Fabric. This super clever lady not only runs and online fabric store but owns the label A Lillie Bug. So, she is crafty and lives in fabric heaven. So let's jump into Sandy's day, and see what she gets up to..

Every morning around 6am I am dragged from my bed by 2 amazing little people, Byron 4 and Amelia 2 demanding milo and play school! 

On making them happy and brewing a hot black cuppa coffee I resort to my office to check emails that fabric lovers often send at odd hours of the evening! From there invoices are printed and stored for packing & shipping day, the bank account and paypal are checked for payments and I jump in the shower while the kids are still quiet!

Often hubby walks in from a night shift around 7.30am and heads straight to bed (after lots of hugs and kisses from the kids).

I race around picking up what ever mess has occurred through out the night! Then yell at Dylan 18 to get up for work! Saying its a Monday, I pack lunches for the little ones, dress, shoes, hair, teeth!...phew by then another cuppa is needed! Throw down the cuppa and quickly check emails again!

Pile the kids in the car for a 15 min drive to day care with my bowl of yoghurt to go! Day care starts at 9am. 

I then fly by the PO to pick up any fabric thats arrived then bolt home to greet Tabitha who has already begun sorting through invoices and entering them into MYOB. I make us both a cuppa and give her the run down on what I need her to do for the day! Tab works 8ish hours on Mondays and rarely has a lunch break! She's FAB!!!

Off to the cutting room I go! With a stack of invoices at bay! I cut and place all orders in a plastic crate constantly until say 2 ish or until orders stop flowing in! Tabitha takes the crate and sorts, bags and packs the orders!

I head into the office with my Ryvitas and tomato and cheese and chomp away while checking urgent emails that have arrived!

Around 3pm I wake hubby (Brett) from his beauty sleep. At 4pm I head to the PO again with stacks of gorgeous fabric to post! Then I pick the kids up if Brett doesn't, and start thinking about dinner!

Who ever says working from home is a breeze has nuts in their head! Its great as if the kids are sick I am here for them but boy it certainly is a full time job!

Thank you Sandy! Yep.. completely agree, working from home is crazy.. but a good crazy!!

Wrapped in Fabric not only stocks an amazing range of designer fabrics, but also sewing patterns, books and specialty fabric such as chalk cloth and laminated fabric. Above is a photo of the fabric headquarters and a couple of my favourite fabrics. 

Email: wrappedinfabric@bigpond.com
Web: www.wrappedinfabricaustralia.com
Craftumi:  www.craftumi.com.au/WRAPPEDinFABRIC
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wrappedinfabric

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very similar routine with my hubs working nights too! What an amazing women and absolutely fabulous business. Gorgeous work Sandy!


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