{this week i'm grateful for..} friends and the www..

Another little week of reflection and re-evaluation for this mumma. I started the week of with a horrible head cold so I tried to do the 'relax and take care of yourself' thing that everyone talks about. I even got a box of Lemsip and religiously took it along with my echinacea, zinc and vitamin C tablets..

I spent a lot of time on the computer as I am not entirely capable of doing nothing at all. I joined in with a group on Aussie Mummy Bloggers to improve my blog. I wrote a pitch for my blog and business. I found a number of amazing sites written by amazingly inspiring mums and I stumbled upon this gorgeous clip which a friend of mine had emailed me a while ago and I completely forgot about.

I read this incredibly amazing post about post natal depression and got re-inspired to work on a project that I have been working on for a few months, that has taken a back seat of late. I will share soon.. I promise, its just not quite in its sharing state yet.

What advice would you give to a new mum?

As far as PND goes I'm great, we have a happy groove happening in our little family and life is fantastic. Whenever I read posts or watch clips like the ones above though, reality hits. I realise how incredibly lucky I was to have such a amazing set of friends to help me identify PND and get it under control as quickly as I did and I am so grateful that they didn't make me feel like a bad mum because I went through PND.

So this week I am grateful for..
my amazing friends.. you guys know who you are..

the www..
{1} i get inspired by other people
{2} i love reading what real mums have to say
{3} i am so incredibly grateful for people that are able to share about post natal depression
{4} i love the community feeling that is in blog land
{5} i love access to information

joining in with {maxabella loves} i'm grateful for..


  1. oh i hear ya!!!

    i posted a bit about this last week


  2. Popping in from Maxabella's bloghop.
    So glad to meet and follow you!
    Love your blog and your gratefuls list.
    I had PND too. I was lucky to have lots of close family around me. Glad to hear things are so much better for you now.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. I feel the same way about all of it!! And the advice I would give to new mums would be "This too shall pass" or "you're the best mumma they will ever have". x


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have a beautiful day..
