{this week i'm grateful for..} our childcare centre..

{image: studio jarrah}
Soon after my daughter was born, my hubby and I checked out a childcare centre I'd been eyeing off for a while. It was new, colourful and everywhere I seemed to go, I'd drive right past it. I wasn't sure how my work schedule would be or anything really, but at that stage everyone talked about how hard it was to get into a good childcare centre.. So I thought I'd get a spot for when our little one was one, just in case.

When the time came, we needed that spot more than ever. I went back to work and with the only family member in Australia, packing to move to the UK, there was no other choice really. Four years on, both my children now go to the centre and the place is just as warm, welcoming and wonderful as it was when we took our first tour.

So this week I'm grateful for:
{1} The wonderful environment that our kids spend time in while not at home with me..
{2} The gorgeous, fun, bubbly, well trained, super helpful and caring staff that look after my babies..
{3} The lovely mum's I've met through the centre..
{4} Sometimes taking way too long at drop off and pick up as mumma gets chatting..
{5} The things my kids have learned through attending the centre..
{6} The 100+ people that read my blog.. and I'm celebrating with a little giveaway.. 
{7} Super snuggly cuddles at 2am from my little man who is almost two and still wakes for a feed..

joining in with the gorgeous Maxabella Loves..
mummy from the heart's.. reasons to be cheerful..


  1. Hi, Visiting form Reasons to be Cheerful, nice to meet you. I also have a super nursery for my girls and am so grateful for that!

    Have a great weekend, Mich x

  2. Isn't it great when you find a great childcare place? I am so grateful for the one my son attends as well. Have a lovely week.

  3. I haven't met any mums yet (only been at our childcare centre a few weeks), but I know from bitter experience the difference between feeling comfortable with the people you have entrusted your babies with and knowing deep down that it is not good enough (Monkey only spent half a day in a centre once after I came back unexpectedly to find the ratio of carers had dropped to 1 carer to 12 babies!!)...hmmmm - trust makes *such* a big difference :-)
    have a great week

    PS: congrats on 100 followers :-)

  4. Oh Cate.. That's shocking!! I've been into our ccc at all different times throughout the day and the staff are consistently putting their all in..

    One thing I always do is, take the time and pass on any new developments.. How the night went and any new things the kiddos have learnt at drop off and ask for feedback on my kids day at pick up.. I find keeping the communication lines open means there is consistency in care whether at home or at the ccc..

    Good luck this time around!!

  5. I don't know what I'd do without ours. They are so nurturing, caring and FUN. They have an 80% outdoors policy (regardless of weather - they have all-weather play areas), chickens, vegie gardens, sensory spaces... amazing. Badoo thrives there and I love drop off because it's such a peaceful, calming start to the day. x

  6. Oh, never used a child care centre so can't relate & seeing my youngest is in year 2, no need for it. Nice to hear you love yours though!! We're up to our 9th school/ preschool & have loved all of them, i'm with Cate on the trust, these are your children, it's a big deal!! What do you feed an almost 2 year old at 2a.m.?? I was still breastfeeding my last baby up to 2 years, but i can't ever remember him waking in the night after he was 3 weeks old (i know, freak baby, he's a sleeper, they all were/ still are big sleepers!!) Love Posie

  7. Glad that you have found such lovely daycare for your little ones.

  8. Love this grateful post - love that you have found good childcare and love that you are still feeding your small person at 2 and love that you are having a giveaway!

  9. Oh, so many things to be grateful for! Where to start? Firstly congratulations on your celebration! So glad you have a place where your children love to go (and you too!) and lastly, you have so much to be grateful for.

    Me? I'm grateful for your gorgeous green world here. The colour is so divine! Nobody else I know has a blog this colour. xxx


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have a beautiful day..
