cupcake toppers |
Just in case you were a little concerned.. no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.. I've just been planning a party for a little tiny, gorgeous, adorable, bug obsessed little 3yo boy. That would be my son, Zac.
It was going to be a little gathering in the park with a few bug catchers and nibbles, but its kind of turning into an event really. I didn't mean it to, but I seriously didn't realise how much fun planning a bug hunting expedition could be. Another underlying reason is that I am not much of a character theme party and seeing this could be my last year where I get a say, I jumped at the chance of going a little over the top.
So here is some sneak peaks of what's in the pipe lines.. I promise I will do a full post on the extravaganza after the day.
bug hunting sack for the little ones scared of real bugs.. |
bug boxes for the brave kids.. |
party bags.. |
lolly bag.. i even managed to find jelly snails.. oh my.. |