tim tam pops..

It's the end of school holidays here this week and I thought we'd make a little treat with the kiddos..
A friend recently made these for her daughters birthday party and assured me they were easy.. And yep.. She was right.
You'll need
6 TimTams
1 big tablespoon of cream cheese
Choc melts
Cake pop sticks
Blend the TimTams and cream cheese together.
Roll the mixture into balls. Pop a cake stick into the balls.
Refrigerate for about an hour.
Melt chocolate and dip the pops.
Refrigerate for another hour and that's it..
Makes about 6 golfball size pops.
{today..} we're slaying dragons..
{today's the day}..
Today's the day when I head down the next path and follow another dream..
Head over to my new little shop ink. paper. cloth. and make yourself at home..

{new adventures}
Hello Lovelies.. its been a little while again. So much has been happening in my little world that I won't even attempt to rehash it all or summarise it. Lets just say that I have been head down bum up working on my new baby or should I say 'mother shop' which will look after the kasiabear brand.
The name.. {ink. paper. cloth.} I won't reveal it all just yet, as the launch is not till this Friday, but lets just say, it was time for the next step and I needed to do a little bit more with the teacher part within me and encourage others to create rather than do it all myself. I know how amazing it makes me feel, and I wanted to share that feeling.
Kasiabear is still here, just moving over to a new domain which you can get to from the old. I love making tees and love creating custom designs for those special moments and occasions.. just too much fun.
Kiddos are growing like mad and changing by the minute. Loving being a mumma to two little people that can now fully communicate, love watching them develop their own little personalities.. Life is sweet.. just mad busy.
So, if you are around this Friday morning.. pop over to the ink. paper. cloth. Facebook page and join in the launch celebrations. The launch will be at 10am Adelaide time.. and the new website should be all up and running after that time.
SO.. just for a little taste.. here are a few little sneaky peeks of what will be available..


It's been a while again.. Seems like the year for it.. I've started writing quite a few posts, but I lost the 'little bit of me..' for a while, so needless to say they didn't get the {publish} button treatment.
I've been evaluating my lil biz and decided to get back to my true style. I've cut back on customs and have allowed my heart to take the lead again and it's paying off. I am working on a few more projects that are putting a big smile on my face and there are a few changes on the horizon.. I'll share as soon as a few of the paperwork bits are finalized, but head down and bum up for the time being..
Above are a new range of pendants I am working on and I just love how sometimes things work better than first imagined..
I'll be back soon to share a tid bit of exciting news and a new web addy you'll be seeing my words pop up on shortly.
Happy Tuesday
{party planning..} bug hunting expedition
cupcake toppers |
It was going to be a little gathering in the park with a few bug catchers and nibbles, but its kind of turning into an event really. I didn't mean it to, but I seriously didn't realise how much fun planning a bug hunting expedition could be. Another underlying reason is that I am not much of a character theme party and seeing this could be my last year where I get a say, I jumped at the chance of going a little over the top.
So here is some sneak peaks of what's in the pipe lines.. I promise I will do a full post on the extravaganza after the day.
place mats c/- spaceship & laserbeams these guys seriously rock for boys parties |
bug hunting sack for the little ones scared of real bugs.. |
bug boxes for the brave kids.. |
party bags.. |
lolly bag.. i even managed to find jelly snails.. oh my.. |

{holiday fun..} diy stilts..
{us..} baby bear turns three..

Yesterday my sweet little guy celebrated his third birthday.. I get all mushy each year when my babies celebrate a birthday and yesterday was no exception.. I started off my day at 5:30am with just me and the birthday boy with super long cuddles on the couch, as we do each morning before the 'big' ones get up. I gave him one of his pressies (another dinosaur for his collection) and we hung out in our jimmy jams.

He celebrated with his buddies at kindy and then we had a little celebration at home.. He was just so happy and chuffed with each present he received. He woke me up bright and early again this morning and asked if he could have his birthday for 'a little more'.. too sweet!!
His bug hunting expedition party is yet to come, but yesterday was just super sweet!!
doll-house reno..

A few weeks back Ella received a very well loved dollhouse for her birthday from the girls next door.. One that their mum grew up playing with, then the girls and also Ella each time she visited over her five years of life.
It was super special and a very heartwarming present. I was told it needed some love, so being school holidays is was on the priority list to do a little dollhouse renovating.

White paint and I go way back.. So today my lil girl and I rolled our sleeves up and got busy giving the dollhouse a fresh coat of white paint. Next on the agenda are little shingles for the roof and some details on the windows.. Followed by some fresh flooring and some pretty girly wallpaper.
I always love a bit of reno, but doing it together with my little girl and watching her with a little roller was just the icing on the cake.
wishing you sweetness this easter..
party... schmarty..

Ok.. Officially partied out! The kiddos social schedule is killing me!! Every weekend for the last 3 and next 4 is booked with at least one party.. If not four. Help me out here guys.. I never planned to be a taxi driver!!
Rant Over.. Back to reality. My computer has finally kicked the bucket so I'm on the hunt for a new one.. Which kind puts me in a grinding halt as far as design work goes for a few days, so I hit the pencils and started working on some mixed media canvasses for a friends lil girl. Loving the feel of glue, paint, ink and paper in my hands. Such a nice change.
Funny how an iPhone can do almost everything a computer does these days though..
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