daddy's home..

I love the smiles that appear on the kids faces the very moment they realize daddy's home. I love how they run and tackle daddy each and every time he returns.. It's warm, sincere and just beautiful to watch. Sometimes you'd think he went off to war and has just stepped back in the house after months of being away.

Xx Kasia

{home..} room revamp..

It's another super hot day here and we spent the morning at a play cafe with the munchkins to keep cool.. But a play cafe doesn't stay cool for long with a million sweaty kids radiating heat and isn't so cool when they start having a melt down cause they're worn out.

So home we went to keep working on Ella's room. She heads off to school in less then two weeks so we are revamping her room a little. We've had a mass clean out and got her a little desk and today we stuck up a massive tree wall decal. I'm designing a couple bus scroll prints for the red wall and she'll be set.

What an exciting time.. She is so so itching to start!!

choose joy.. an inspiration..

Hey guys.. You might have heard me talk about Ashley from Lil Blue Boo before.. She's a bit of a hero of mine and one of the reasons kasiabear started.. This was the first blog I read.. I could go on.. But you can look into this amazing persons life yourself if you wish..

I just wanted to share this truly beautiful video with you.. Still a bit teary and speechless here, but this is just a real reminder of why to stay positive, why to enjoy every moment and why to hug your loved ones often.

Rite of Passage - Shaving my Head from Ashley Hackshaw on Vimeo.

Love you Ashley!!

{my creative space..} spool rack..

I am falling more and more in love with my studio.. I can't even remember how long ago I bought this spool rack, but it finally has a home. Now to fill it with colour..

{us..} air dry clay..

My kiddos are positively in love with mr maker.. Apart from him making cool stuff he challenges 'mum' to play with new mediums and often results in a trip to the art shop. This week mr maker made some monsters using air dry clay and cotton tips.. Ours didn't get to the finished stage as all the cotton tips fell out before we painted them, but we DID have some clay left to play with. We made some tiny dishes with patterns pressed into them and also some little pendants. Certainly a new medium for me, but it was a LOT of fun to play with.

40 bags in 40 days.. progress

The 40 bags challenge has slowed down a little, but is still most certainly happening. The kitchen has had a huge reshuffle and I am loving seeing all my spotty mugs rather than having them tucked away in the cupboard. The bag count is 28 so far.. And there is a LOT more to go through still.

40 bags in 40 days.. progress..

Still full steam ahead with the clutter-cull in the house.. The kitchen was the target today and although a few bags full have gone there is still the pantry.. Loving my Tupperware drawer again..

{tee design competition..} winners..

OK.. so this was a really and I mean REALLY tough job deciding on the top 3 tee designs. So many gorgeous drawings came in, and each and every one of them put a huge smile on my face. I loved watching the kiddos draw up a storm at the Mummy Tree Markets in our little kids corner. Like every competition though.. there can only be one winner and a couple of runner up prizes.. so without putting it off any longer... drumroll......

the top design 
(as narrowed down by me and voted on by kasiabear fans on facebook) 
the skipping girl by madelyn sparrow

Madelyn wins a $50 gift voucher to spend in the kasiabear online store 
as well as her winning design printed on a tshirt. 

the two runners up
(as narrowed down by me and voted on by kasiabear fans on facebook)
the green monster by thomas hurcombe

the lil bird by olivia quinn
both thomas and oliva win a tshirt with their design printed on it. 

and although I didn't pick the following tee as one of the 3 winners
the super special little cherub will still receive a tee with her design on it..
why.. cause she's my lil girl.. my little ella bella. 
i was super proud of her efforts and just had to share.

the little fairy dancing in the rainbows by ella
ps.. the little blue bits on the sides are the wings i'm supposed to sew onto the back

OK.. so onto the serious part.. if your child is one of the winners mentioned here, please email me on with your child's t'shirt size and your postal address. 

Thank you to everyone that entered, I had a heap of fun with this comp and I'm thinking I might just have to introduce an ongoing competition and announce a monthly winner of a tee. Let me think about the details and look out for them in the coming weeks. 

{project studio..} finally..

So.. Here we are almost 3 years on and I am finally moving kasiabear into a designated workspace.. {my studio..}. It's early days yet and a lot more that needs to be done till its just the way I want it, but it feels so amazingly wonderful to have the space to play with.

Above are a few progress shots.. When it's fully up and running, decorated and fitted out, I'll get the real camera out..


40 bags in 40 days.. progress

Love, love.. LOVING this challenge.. Instead of dreading cleaning and tidying.. I'm getting excited about filling my designated bin with junk.. I've even started photographing the full bins.

Everything that is left behind has a lovely spacious home and I know it's location. Next will be beautifying all the nooks to keep me motivated to keep them organized and tidy.

I'm sure I've mentioned {i heart organizing} before, it's one of my fave blogs and I love getting Jens emails about new projects she is taking on.. AND better still.. Jen seems to have a mild obsession with IKEA, so our decorating styles are quite similar.

I'm off to tackle another nook..

{us..} project veggie patch..

Here is the initial stages of our veggie patch.. The big boy decided that as we have a massive yard both front and back and we have awesome neighbors that we would start a little community garden in our front yard.

A couple weeks in and everything is going crazy.. We've planted pumpkins, watermelon, rock melon, spaghetti squash, radishes, capsicums, beans, tomatoes, basil, chillies, lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers and then there's the herbs.. I'm sure I've missed a few too..

I'm not taking credit for it as its been daddy and our kiddos and next door kiddos that have done all the work.. I'm just the photographer and pull the odd weed.

{us..} botanical gardens..

Adelaide is somewhat.. HOT today, so we set out super early for a little bit of {us..} time to the botanical gardens this morning. I just can't seem to soak up enough of my babies smiles at the moment, and in a magical place like the gardens.. It's just bliss. Their amazement of all those little things like finding a feather, touching a giant water lily leaf and walking through a 'tree tunnel' just nourishes my soul.

A big bonus for mumma was checking out the renovated nature museum. I just adore how everything is so beautifully displayed.. It's only small, but I could get lost in there for hours. Might just have to add this to a {me..} day list.

Hope you are enjoying 2012 so far.. It feels like it will be a wonderful year for us!


40 bags in 40 days challenge..

My first challenge for the year.. Which fits in perfectly with our 'clean fest' is the 40 bags in 40 days.. Shan from Missy Melly put the challenge up for grabs and I am so so IN!!

Time to declutter this place and get ready to live a little more simply this year.

list from here