{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

This weekend we had all sorts of weather in Adelaide.. We started Saturday morning with very thick fog and by Sunday afternoon we had glorious sun and spring warmth.. Fog would have to be one of my favorite things following snow.. but the likelihood of snow in Adelaide is pretty slim so I just enjoy the fog when it comes.. 

The coolest thing about the thick fog that surrounded our whole house this time around was being able to look out the windows (and eventually go out in it) and show the kids. Zac didn't really think anything of it but Ella found it fascinating.. the fact that she couldn't see the houses at the end of our little street that she normally sees and that our eucalyptus tree seemed to disappear into the clouds.. it was great showing her and trying to explain it all.. 

So here are a few snaps from around our house.. enjoy..

playing along with point + shoot over at fat mum slim
and week-a-boo over at scissors paper rock

kiddy art..

The paint was out again this week (and again and again.. ) its funny how each time we start of painting.. no matter what happens we end up with handprints.. which I absolutely adore.. these are the little artworks I can never bring myself around to getting rid of.. I have my own little stash.. which at some stage I'll create a little feature wall and frame them all up.. 

I'd love for you to join in and share your kids love for art
or even some links to fun art ideas or products for kids.

till next week.. 

happy monday.. nice words make me smile..

i just love this print from 

head over to their blog for your chance to win this
or another one of their gorgeous prints
giveaway closes 5th september 2010

saturday sharing..

newspaper print
being a graphic designer and all.. 
i love text.. font.. newspaper print.. typeface..
whatever you want to call it.. 
i love it..

these little items made me smile while i searched etsy for new fabric the other day..

1. Raven Pinback Buttons - Barrel of Monkeys
2. Recycled Newspaper Bangle - Squishy Sushi
3. Text Button Earrings - Bijunea
4. Lightswitch Cover Plates - exit 11 design
5. Sandwich Bag - bells and unicorns
6. Car Litter Bag - nstitches4u

date night..

make love notes for each other 
using text from magazines 
and newspaper clippings
image c/- www.123rf.com

the melbourne adventure..

Oh.. it seems like an eternity ago that I said goodbye to my little monkeys when dropping them off to kindy knowing that I wasn't going to see them for almost a week.. It was tough.. very tough.. especially knowing that I was not going to see them for so long, just so I could have a bit of 'me' time and to have a break from my everyday life...  and even more so that I was going to be in another state and that I was taking one of my best friends with me.. who just happens to be the best adopted auntie to my kids ever..

The doubts that go through a mums mind when she does something for herself is just crazy.. I mean I was just going to Melbourne to do a bit of shopping.. enjoy uninterrupted sleep, hot cups of coffee, warm meals and adult conversation with my best buddy.

Well I loved the trip, I loved catching up with a very old friend, I loved the coffee, food, sleep and shopping adventures and I loved the road trip to pick up an antique kitchen mixer bought on eBay and the night drive back at approximately 20km/hour through the hills where fires tore through Victoria a while back and I loved the long conversations into the night with my traveling buddy who can't just be classified as a best friend but a soul mate... 

What I loved most was realizing how blessed I am to have the life I do. I have the most amazing children, the most amazing husband and the most amazing friends right here in lil-old-Adelaide. I really don't mind cold coffee, or sleeping in odd positions in my bed so that my daughter is comfortable, or getting up to feed my 1.5yo little guy several times a night, or half eating cold meals, or rushing through the supermarket throwing in items that look mildly appealing to get out of there as fast as I can. 

I am lucky enough to not have to return to full time work and to be here for my kids, I am lucky that my kids go to a wonderful kindy that they love giving me a bit of me time each week, I am lucky to be able to spend one on one time with each of my two children once a week so that I can stay connected to where they are up to in their development and I am lucky to be able to do what I love which is create for my kids, my friends and now others. 

It is the little things that are important and I guess it was nice to realize that everything I thought I was missing out on, was really not that important to me anymore. I love what I have and I'm content.

Here is a visual of my little journey.. the things that made me smile along the way..    

view from the rooftop of our hotel

view from the rooftop of our hotel

view from the rooftop of our hotel

the number that inpired me to look at numbers..
i think it was on the wall of a little restaurant we went to. 

sunset over the cemetary we walked past whilst it was pelting down.. 

just a gorgeous pic of kids on a wall.. 

my creative space..

Patterns.. Patterns.. Patterns.. thats what it's all about at the moment in kasiabear's creative space.. my dressmaking teacher has inspired me to play with patterns.. break some rules and create something which is really me.. so that's what I'm doing. 

In saying that.. I picked up a Japanese Pattern Design book whilst in Melbourne and it has some gorgeous inspirational pieces in it.. I've been trying to decipher the processes and the patterns.. but other than the shape of the piece.. I think it will remain as an inspiration and a book which is just nice to look at. 

playing along with kootoyoo

wordless wednesday...

my little man and me on the couch at some ungodly hour in the middle of the night..
enjoying his cuddles.. his smell and his warmth..
sleep is so overrated when it comes to my children.. 
joining in wordless wednesday over at faith hope & a whole lotta love..

{kiddy art..} a daily dose of paint..

ella's masterpiece..
zaccy's masterpiece..

I can say with certainty that both my kids have inherited my husbands and my creative side.. I know that most kids love to paint.. if only just to get messy.. but they do.

In our household however, I seriously need to keep the paint, paint brushes and anything that may generate the thought of painting out of sight, otherwise we would be painting night and day. We do paint a lot nevertheless and I just love the little artworks that my monkeys create. We now have four spots where we hang artworks around the house, as the fridge just didn't cut it.. They still get full very quickly and although I hate putting any of their art in the rubbish, I simply have to or we'd need to put an addition on the house just for art storage. 

Before anything hits the bin, I take a photo of it, date it and save it in a little folder dedicated to just artwork. Most photo places now have the service of turning photographs into photo books, so the plan is that every few years I will make up one of these books of each of the kids artworks for them to have when they grow up. 

I would love to create a little spot on the web where mums/dads can share their kids art.. 
so here goes.. my first attempt at a linky on my blog.. 

I'm running a little behind this week but generally I'd like to start the availability of links each Monday morning and finish on a Sunday evening.. 

the title {kiddy art..}

stop and smell the roses..

I've been enjoying playing with new pattern designs of late.. creating things that have been in my head for ages and using some fabrics which have been waiting patiently in boxes. kasiabeardesigns is my little creative outlet which combines so many of the things I love, and its nice to finally get a bit of structure in our household to be able to focus on something of mine. 

I really hate the saying 'stop and smell the roses', probably only because I don't like roses.. but I try whenever I can to, stop and look at my world through the eyes of a child, to notice all the little details, the textures, the colours, the shapes and the natural beauty. 

Being a very visual person, I used to, once upon a time, take photos of everything that made me smile and then things got busy, our babies came along and.. and.. and.. I really could write a whole thesis on why our lives became busy, but its getting late. So instead I'll share something that made me smile in the midst of doing something I love.. double positive really. 

The different colours in the thread and pins, intertwined with one another were just beautiful in my eyes.. the textures so different... they made me smile.. 

happy monday..

i love red.. i love cupcakes and i love mondays..
happy monday everyone..

{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

 i love this time of year.. 
spring.. glorious spring..
and this just happens to be my favourite little corner in our backyard
its just what it is.. no frills..
but such a glorious place and so many happy memories have been created here..

playing along with point + shoot over at fat mum slim
and week-a-boo over at scissors paper rock

kasiabear on etsy treasury..

kasiabear's orange 'my jeep' tee has been included in Wendy's Bold and Colourful Etsy Treasury today.. 

Loving some of these gorgeous items.. especially the prints.. beautiful treasury Wendy!!

you can view this page in full here

date night..

decorate a sidewalk with sidewalk chalk..
photo: eversweetdreams

it was raining..  so we just wrote messages on our blackboard wall..
love you my boy!!

kasiabear on etsy treasury..

Trying to catchup on the going ons of kasiabear..

I was just a little excited to receive an etsy convo the other day from let them eat kate, saying that she has featured my little cowgirl skirt in an etsy treasury of Adelaide artists..

So here is a little pic of the treasures Kate picked out.. some pretty amazing stuff going on in lil'old Adelaide.. Thanks Kate.. I feel honored to be included with such fine artisans!!

you can view this page in full.. here

happy monday.. yellow makes me smile..

such a simply beautiful print.. the love shop
hmmm.. thats a thought.. 
another great print from dear colleen..
love this notecard from inkspot workshop
what a sweet little print.. hello may

Happy Happy 101...

the lovely Stephanie has tagged me with the Happy 101 meme.. haven't done one of these for ages.. would have loved to have kept some of my answers from back in high-school or uni days.. 

Okay, rules are... name ten things I like.. hmmm only 10??

Here goes, in no particular order: 

one my children.. 
listening to their laughter.. watching them play together.. watching them hold hands while in the back of the car.. their cuddles (even at midnight, 2am, 3am, 4am etc..) listening to them say their first attempts at words.. just everything about them really.. and now being fed yoghurt by my daughter :o)

two cold frosty mornings.. 
this includes everything from driving in fog.. frost on my car so that i have to scape it off the windows before driving.. crispy white trees.. frost on spiderwebs.. the smell of it all.. just love it!!

three creating.. 
sewing.. design.. craft.. building things.. really just anything where i start with raw materials and turn them into something else..

four photography.. 
just the concept of capturing a moment in time and being able to look back on it later.. 

five my husband.. 
he just makes me happy.. he supports me in everything i do.. he is my strength when i am running low.. he is my rock.. he is the true raw meaning behind love.. no frills.. just love.. 

six the colour red.. 
i like simplicity and neutral colours in general.. i don't like trends or fashion.. red just adds highlights to my otherwise simple world.. it makes me smile.. 

seven my friends.. 
they listen.. they are there when i need them.. they make me smile..

eight coffee.. 
life just wouldn't be the same without a hot cup of good quality coffee.. 

nine silence..
i do love my kids.. but i also like silence.. i like sitting and having complete silence around me.. 

ten lists.. 
i love writing what's in my mind.. i like having a plan.. i like adding things and crossing things off.. i like moving forward.. 

few people that would be fun to know a bit more about.. 


my little stores are slowly getting filled..

where has kasiabear been? being a busy mum loving life and not getting to her computer as often as before to put it simply.. but busy creating.. so just to get up to date.. here are some of the little treasures i've been working on..

available at either my etsy or madeit stores.. 

if you like something here.. but would like it in a different size or fabric combination.. email me at  kasiabearkids@optusnet.com.au to discuss a custom order..