Today I'd like to introduce you to the lovely Christine from c percy designs.. Christine is one heck of a crochet legend in my eyes.. taking such an old craft and creating such amazing timeless yet contemporary beanies for little ones. There's something special when looking at a baby all fresh and new in natural fibres and her beanies not only serve a purpose but also make fabulous photo props for newborn shoots. Anyhow... here is what Christine gets up to in a day..
Like most Mum’s no two days are the same. Monday’s in our house are usually hectic plus that fact that I’m a Night Owl doesn’t make Monday mornings the best day of the week for me.
My day usually starts with Miss H (2 1/2 years) climbing into our bed in the early hours of the morning and then I usually wake around 6.30 to my Mr A (5 years) asking for breakfast, he’s always been an early riser and he came out hungry. My darling husband gets up to the kids so I can have a short sleep in. Hubby makes me a coffee and I pull Miss H and myself out of bed to start the day.
Between 7.00 and 8.30 am our place is a bit of nut house. Mr J (7 years) has Aspersers syndrome, which makes life challenging especially in the morning. Mr J is easily distracted and does not understand the importance of time, which makes getting ready for school slightly nightmarish and a constant battle.
Hubby takes Mr J to school and I then get the kids and I ready for the day. My morning then checking my emails, working out what I have on today, what orders I need to create this week and checking that I’ve contacted the necessary businesses so I can produce this week’s Handmade Cooperative Sensational Six Post and Shopping Guide.
Then it’s off to playgroup. Our playgroup is a Supported Mobile Playgroup, which is run in our local park. Since moving 3 years ago this play group has been a life line, I love the fact that it is held in a park as the kids get to enjoy the fresh air, they can run around like nutters, climb tress, paint, read books, make friends etc. Plus the added bonus of having a chat with the other Mums.
Today is a little unusual as I have a biyearly reference committee meeting at the local School’s as Community Centre, Sanctuary Point Connect. I’m one of the Parent Representatives. The Centre offers an array of services to parents and children 0-8 years. It also allows groups such as our local Autism Spectrum group and Australian Breastfeeding Association to meet at the venue that is child friendly.
But wait the day isn’t over yet, and then it’s off to pick up Mr J from school and take him to his one-on-one swimming lesson. Finally its time to chill out at home, well it is for the kids.
This afternoon I’ll respond to emails, start dinner and I’ll spend some time working on the next newsletter for the Handmade Cooperative.
Once dinner is done and I’ve tidied the kitchen I usually hand the kids over to Hubby. I intent to spend 30-45 minutes doing bookwork, which includes working out what I’m going to do the next two days when the younger ones go to daycare, and I can devote my self to my business.
Finally I get to turn on the TV, put my feet up and start crocheting; tonight I’m finishing off a vintage edge that I’m attaching to a woollen blanket. I aim to be in bed by midnight ready for a busy Tuesday of creating and lesson planning – I’m teaching a “How to Crochet Christmas Stars” class next week at my local wool shop.
Thank you Christine.. wow.. all I can say is that we mummas are amazing!!
Here is a sneak peek at some of the goodies Christine makes.. but be sure to pop past her facebook page and online stores and have a nosey yourself.
madeit store:
etsy store:
craftumi store:

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