Reason for the theme is that Zaccy is turning two tomorrow and I was remembering the numerous debates we had on a boy's name. We had Ella's name picked out before we even started trying to conceive. The only discussion we had was whether to change it as it ended up being the most popular name the year she was born. We had our reasons for choosing the name in the first place, as it was my hubby's grandmother's name, so we stuck to our decision.
A boy's name on the other hand was a bit of a funny process. I had a good handful of names I wanted to call Zac. We knew we wanted to use my grandfather's name, Tadeusz, but the spelling would have tongue tied any English speaking person, so we used it as a second name and went with the Italian version, Taddeo. Each time I thought I had the perfect name, my darling hubby would come up with a million payouts for it and insisted that if we called our son that, he'd be crucified in the play ground.
I think Zac was my third choice but out of the million + one names I came up with, this was absolutely the ONLY ONE we agreed on. So Zac he is.. but he could have been..
{1} Hugo
{2} Ollie
{3} Oscar
What boy's names do you like?
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Next weeks theme will be: {beauty products} what beauty products can't you live without?

I love your names. I have a cat named Ollie. We got him before baby number 3 and I was kicking myself when we found out baby number three was a boy. I actually asked hubby if I could changed the cats name and he wouldn't let me :(