my creative space...

I am putting up with a very very sore back today, shooting pains down my leg and the works, so trying to get a few little things ticked off the to-do list till my magical chiro makes my body work again.. 

With a couple of wholesale orders and over 30 t-shirts to print in the next week.. I am tweaking my printing board a little and putting in these new clamps which have been waiting patiently for me for a couple of months now. 

see what's happening in other creative spaces here for a little inspiration.. 

{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

Another action packed weekend here at the kasiabear household.. the weather was glorious once again so we spent most of the weekend outside.. the kids played with every single toy that lives outside.. and a few more became outside toys too. We sorted out all the sand toys and I sorted out my plastic's cupboard and added a few more into their little compartments... I got my good old push mower out and the kids chased me around till the grass (green weeds) was mowed..

On Sunday we had a visit from auntie gen and cisco so the kids had a ball chasing the dog around while me and auntie gen painted dads trailer.. Ella of course came and helped out a little and turned into a blue alien till we got the turps out.. I got to sneak in a bit of work on the computer and finished another couple of t-shirt designs.. all in all a fantastic, productive, fun filled weekend..

here are some snaps..


mummy's little helper.. 

i love this smile.. 

pop past scissors paper rock for a peek into some other weekends
and fat mum slim for other point + shoot adventures..

happy monday..

thank you etsy for listing this little shop in my suggested shops list.. 
what a gorgeous print!!

print by printmakerjenn

kiddy art..

With a house full of creative people in one way or another we have and endless supply of cool art supplies and now the kids are starting their very own cool stash. I can't resist buying new things for them that expands their imagination and creativity.

Now this was an amazing find... at this stage its in my stash but used each time the kids get creative.. its an alphabet stamp where you can move the letters to create the text of your choice.. I use it to name and date the kids artworks and think it looks so much nicer than my handwriting on their works of art..

join in using the linky tool below.. 
i'd love to see what other cool stuff is out there as far as kids art tools
and i'd love to see what creative adventures your kids are up to..
don't forget to link back to here.. so others can join in too..

have a great week..

new range of tee's and designs..

A new range of tee's including larger kids sizes and adult sizes are on their way to the kasiabear etsy store..

They will initially be available for Christmas pre-orders and once I decide on the most popular styles and colours they will be available permanently..

What I mean by pre-orders is: you purchase the design of your choice in the size of your choice from the kasiabear etsy store, and all tee's ordered will be printed at the end of October and will ship early November to ensure they get to their destinations safely by Christmas.

A range of new boys and girls designs coming up also.. I've had a lot of requests for personalised tee's as well as trains and astronauts.. I would love to hear what others are looking for so please feel free to leave comments below this post..

Here is a sneak peak of some of the tees already in the etsy shop..

available in sizes 0-16 (kids) here

available in sizes 0-16 (kids) here

available in sizes 0-16 (kids) here

available in sizes 0-16 (kids) here

a little bit of saturday sharing..

Heading into the warmer weather here in Australia I really should be thinking of sun and all things summer.. but with Christmas on its way also, I can't overlook my two favourite things.. 
red & snow.. 

So this weeks little bit of sharing is dedicated to gorgeous illustrations featuring just that.. 
red & snow..

date night.. or day..

Organise a space.. like a garage.. 
doing household stuff together can be a fun bonding experience.. with the added bonus of ticking something off that forever growing to-do list.. i know that's certainly on our agenda this weekend..

photo from here

my creative space...

It's all about the finishing touches and packaging in the kasiabear creative space at the moment.. with Christmas creeping up, I'm getting all those predictable things ready and organised so when the Christmas rush comes around I can just focus on what needs doing, making and organising. 

Such a nice thing to do with kids around too.. meaning we can sit around the table.. they can do their arts and crafts and I can do a little bit of work while being right there and spending time with them. 

a little hospital visit..

Yesterday my little guy and me headed into hospital bright and early for a planned surgery so he could have grommets put into his little ears. He has had ongoing problems with ear infections since his birth and with visits to emergency quite a few times leading to hospital stays for breathing difficulties due to viruses, his tiny ears were a little overlooked. 

A few things changed as far as family structure a few months back which gave me back a lot of clarity and I regained those instinctive powers that mums seem to be given when their child is born.. As powerful as that mothers intuition is, its sometimes hard to go with the flow with a lot of other distractions and other's opinions. When my clarity came back it was pretty simple to pin-point even the earliest signs of my little man getting an ear infection such as sheer frustration and biting which is normally so unlike him. 

It took a couple of these episodes and call-outs to the locum when I realised that this issue needed a little more attention than doctor visits and antibiotics. So a chat with our family doctor (who is fantastic I must add), then a visit to and ear, nose and throat specialist.. it was pretty clear which option we should take.. so the appointment was made at the hospital and yesterday was the day. 

Zaccy being just a little teeny tiny tike.. got us to the front of the list so we pretty much went in straight away.. I got dressed in scrubs and in to the theatre I went, holding my little guy. I held him while the anaesthetist got him to sleep. He slowly drifted off to sleep and went completely limp in my arms. I kept the thought of him being able to hear better, him having more balance and him finally not being in pain when this was all over and done with to get me through till my boy was back in my arms. It only took about 15 minutes and I heard his little voice calling out 'mummee' down the corridor... I ran up to him and he literally leaped into my arms. 

The next half hour or so was incredibly heart breaking as he was in, what the doctors call, post operative shock whilst the anaesthetic wears off completely.. he cried and screamed until he finally fell asleep in my arms watching 'go gabba gabba' on telly.. he slept for a good two hours making my legs go completely numb... all the nurses insisted I put him down in the cot so I can have a rest but I didn't feel right about doing so. My boy needed me and I needed to be right there holding him when he got up. 

I watched his little face and examined every curve, every little mark and every gorgeous feature that made him who he is. I took photos on my iPhone to try to capture the beauty I saw.. but its different.. there is this angle that I think only a mother ever gets to see her baby from while they lay in your arms.. I have never been able to capture this on camera, but it is seriously the most heart melting view in the world.. 

As I examined those little curves and looked at those poor little tiny ears stained with blood from the surgery, I noticed a little green plastic tube. It was the grommet.. it had fallen out. I called the nurse and she got onto the doctor straight away. The doctor was down in minutes and herself in shock that it had fallen out so soon. She apologised profusely and said that this had never happened before.. but she really didn't need to. I was just glad I was in the hospital with my little guy alone, being able to focus on him and being able to listen to those motherly intuitions of not putting him down when the nurses suggested I did.  

I had to decide whether to put my little man through another round of aneasthetic and go back into theatre to get another grommet put in or whether to come  back the week after. After much consideration and discussion with the doctor we both decided that its best to get it done as his ears were in quite bad state. So my little guy had to go through it all again and I had to listen to those cries again. 

My heart was broken, but deep down I knew it was the right thing to do. Watching him today running around as if nothing ever happened, super stable on his feet and chatting with so much more clarity has mended my broken heart, put my mind at ease and reassured me that I really need to listen to my heart and to those motherly intuitions. 

{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

It was glorious weather again this weekend so we soaked up the sun and spent a lot of it outside. We hung out together and made sure we got some quality laughs and giggles in.. we did a bit of weeding.. mowing with my legendary push-mower and the big boy did some work on his trailer again and made a heap of noise with the angle grinder..

A highlight was the early Christmas present for the kids.. I sooo shouldn't buy presents for Christmas ahead of time.. I'm such a sucker!! I just visualise all the fun we can have and the smiles that come with it to keep something in a box for another few months.. and especially that it was outdoor toys that the kids can get months of enjoyment out of while the weather is good..

pop past scissors paper rock for a peek into some other weekends
and fat mum slim for point + shoot adventures..

happy monday..

heading into hospital with my bubba boy this week.. but for a good reason..
hopefully it will help him out a little..
this is a little plane is for you my little man..  
love you my boy!!

happy monday everyone!!
a cute print from here..

kiddy art..

It's been another big week here and we only got a couple good sessions of art in but they were still a heap of fun. We spent a lot of our time outside soaking up the sun that peeked through a few times..

As I mentioned before.. most of our painting sessions end up with hand prints.. and I love handprints.. so this week I dedicate this to my little hands which I love so very much..

I am heading into hospital with my little man this week so I'm posting a couple of my regular posts a little earlier than normal, including {kiddy art..} but thinking about it, I think Sunday is a better time to start the week off for the section.. so feel free to share some of your kids masterpieces or art products your kids love here at kiddy art.. the linky is open till midnight Saturday night..

what did you and your kiddies get up to??
Add your link to the 'linky tool' below & link it back to here!! 
see you next week..

etsy treasury.. time and text..

kasiabear's little red cushion cover has been featured in another treasury this week.. how exciting!!
love the eclectic feel of this treasury.. such great finds...
thanks for featuring my cushion cover..

view the full page here..

a little bit of saturday sharing..

I think I'm not alone in starting to think about christmas and gifts for the upcoming holiday season... and I guess its only natural that as an artist I try to support my fellow artist by purchasing gifts from their stores rather than the big guns..

I make kids clothes, I take photo's and make prints, but one thing I have never properly tried my hand at (other than during a semester long subject at university) is jewellery making.. I love simple silver jewellery that is unique and I love nature.. so here is my little selection of gorgeous silver pendants with a tree theme..

Have a lovely Saturday..

date night.. or day..

take turns pushing each other on the swing..

find this pic here
the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with 
and never say a word.. 
then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had..

kiddy art..

We did some girly things with Ella on mummy and Ella day this week.. we played with these little plastic tubes from ikea she got for her birthday a little while ago. They've been on the to do list for over 6 months, but with a toddler running around the house most days it just never seemed like the right time as they are far too much of a choking hazard.

We finally got into them last week and they were everywhere... the idea is to make patterns and shapes you like then melt them together with a hot iron.. It was such great fun.. I think this will become a regular activity when my little guy is not around..  

some colourful bits of plastic from ikea..
little hands.. 
hot iron.. melting.. bracelet..

what did you and your kiddies get up to??
Add your link to the 'linky tool' below & link it back to here!! 
see you next week..

happy monday..

a gorgeous print by letter happy.. 

{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

what can i say.. i love rubber ducks.. 

What a week.. weather wise it was all over the place.. we had thunder storms.. rain.. branches falling off our tree to gorgeous weather then back to rain then glorious weather again.. at least the rest of the week was pretty much as normal. 

We had fun, we had the usual dose of tanties and many belly laughs and hugs. I got some work done, managed to squeeze in some sleep and I got some special time in with both of my monkeys.. 

The highlight, as it only happens once a year, was the Adelaide Royal Show.. I must say it was the most enjoyable one to date. I had the backup of some great friends and the kids just had an absolute ball.. Ella had her first ride on the ferris wheel and continued with combating her fear of all things animal and Zac and I went on the teacup ride and he just ran riot.. 

Here is a little pictorial of our day at the show.. 

zaccy's first carnie experience.. he even managed to con a carnie
into giving him a larger prize than he won.. 
it was all about the fish.. so ells had a go too..
she only got a crappy doll that fell apart within an hour..
zac torturing chickens..
ella cuddling chickens..
zaccy snuck into pat the cows.. no fear!!
he looks far to comfortable behind the wheel.. 
my highlight was watching zaccy and his god momma bond over
watching ute precision driving.. he clapped.. he blew kisses
and he nodded off a couple of times to the roar.. xx
pop past scissors paper rock for a peek into some other weekends
and fat mum slim for point + shoot adventures..