kiddy art..

cold.. wet.. windy.. that's our weekend so far.. meaning we did a lot of art while at home.. we got the rollers out this week, which are always a ball. i normally leave these for a special treat mainly because i need to be really attentive so that our walls don't develop a new look...

feel free to add your link to a blog post or facebook album featuring your kids art.. and please link back here so others can join in too.. 

have a great weekend!!

today i'm grateful for.. my angel..

Yesterday when my husband and I went in to pick up our little monkeys from childcare, one of the carers came up and said she had a message to pass onto me.. normally the messages are about Zaccy, whether it be about the super tantrum he threw while he was having his nappy changed, or that he was climbing the bookshelf again or that he had another crash and there is an incident report to sign..

This time it was about Ella.. I'm sure my jaw dropped as I don't think there was ever a message passed on about Ella. Granted I talk to the carers heaps and there is great communication between us so rarely anything is missed.. but a message..

You see.. Halloween was coming up and although here in Australia its not a big thing really and we rarely get a kid knocking on our door asking for a treat, the shops are always packed with halloween themed bits and pieces and it always reminds me of how big it was in the States when I lived there briefly. My husband is also American so I try to keep some of his culture within our family traditions.

The night before I stayed up and made up little treat bags for Ella to take into kindy to give to her friends to celebrate Halloween. I had no idea how many kids there were in her group on Friday so I just made up all the ones I had and popped them into a bag to take in. They were simple.. just a bag with a pumpkin on it containing a set of fake teeth and a freddo frog, and I made up an special one for one of her friends who has allergies with a allergy safe lollypop instead..

The message was that, I was one treat bag short, and that Ella chose to go without a treat bag herself so that none of her friends missed out. My jaw quickly came back up and a little tear welled up in my eye. I was so very proud of my little girl.. my little angel..

I know it might seem a little small and simple, but we as parents try very hard to instil good values into our kids. Me and my little girl have our issues and I truly dread the day that we are both going through that time of the month simultaneously in the future.. but I feel so truly blessed to be her mum. She has such a huge heart and is such a kind and caring little person..

Needless to say, we made a pretty big deal about what she did and she got her own very special treat bag this morning that my hubby and me put together for her.

thanks to the beautiful maxabella for hosting..

a little bit of saturday sharing..

another little treasury i created this week.. i see aqua.. 
one of my all time favourite colours.. i never really know how to use it but here are some gorgeous examples.. 
view full live page here.. 
have a great weekend everyone.. see you on the other side..

my creative space..

a little calm has came back to my creative space this week.. it looked like a little factory here for a while.. screen printed t-shirts drying.. pants, skirts, cushion covers and hair accessories.. lined up ready to be packaged and shipped off.. 

the universe has a little way of telling me to stop sometimes and this week it did.. everything that can be out the door and in the post is.. and with a little delay in the delivery of the next round of t-shirts to be screened.. i can catch up on a bit of paperwork and emails and tidy up and update my etsy shop a little.. the computer has barely been turned on the last couple of weeks so i think tonight it might get a little attention.. 

have a great week everyone.. get inspired by other creative spaces here..

{week-a-boo} point + shoot..

another weekend gone.. we did the usual.. cleaning the house.. laundry.. mowing.. and we snuck in a visit to a friends house for a sausage sizzle and we did a little bit of art.. finished off with a pizza night.. is it normal for a 19mo to eat 3 slices of pizza..

highlight for me was the fact that the two weeks of photography over at lil blue boo has re-inspired me as far as photos go.. my camera is back on manual.. woooo hoooo!!! i so don't know why it ever jumped onto auto but it's not going back on there unless i hand it to someone to take a picture of our family..

i also got a new shebang package of photoshop actions from the amazing paint the moon.. and have been loving just playing around with pics of my beautiful angels.. oh annie.. i love love love my little purchase!!

anyway.. here are a few pics of my gorgeous bubbies in manual mode and my weekly dandelion.. i am going to miss them when they stop popping up..

more sneak peaks into weekends here.. 
and more point and shoot here.. 

shadow shoot sunday..

fencing wire 
playing along with hey harriet's shadow shoot here.. 

kiddy art..

we didn't get up to anything supersonic new and interesting in the art department this week.. the paint was out as always and a lot of it.. ella was very liberal with the amounts she put on each page... she even made a sculpture out of one of the pages as it was so incredibly wet and insisted i hang up her little sculpture to dry..

the photos of it remind me of my trip to antelope canyon.. which just happens to be one of my favourite places on this planet.. so she did pretty well as far as i'm concerned..

what have your kids been up to in the art department this week??
join in using the linky tool below..
and please link back to here.. so others can join in too..

a little bit of saturday sharing..

Another big week done and dusted.. and what an amazing week it was..

This week I became a member of two Etsy teams (EtsyKids and EtsyBloggers) which I am so incredibly excited about.. more about these wonderful teams later..

I am very honoured to have been featured in a few treasuries of late and thought I would curate my very first one this week, and what better way to start my treasuries off than with the colour red.. This little selection of gorgeous items features some items from members of both the EtsyKids and EtsyBloggers Team and also a few red items from my favourites list..

So.. make a cuppa and have a browse..

view my treasury here.. 

my creative space..

Still chugging along with screen printing a heap of custom orders, cutting new stencils, finishing off new designs.. I am so loving the support I am getting from my beautiful customers and loving being able to do what I love.. thank you!! 

This week has been about learning how to use my new serger which I am incredibly in love with.. finishing off skirts and pants.. which have used metres and metres of bias binding and string for piping.. above is a new take on the kasiabear Lelly Lou skirt.. loving this fabric!! 

check out some other creative spaces here.. 

happy monday..

Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, 'I am with you kid Let's go!'
Maya Angelou

point + shoot..

this weeks point + shoot is more of a week that was through the eye of the iphone hipstamatic app.. loving this little app.. it takes me back a bit and helps me look at photos more as a snapshot of a moment... it makes everything look a little crusty and old and you can't exactly see what you are taking a pic of, so its a bit of a special treat when you view your pics.. 

our week included ella's first fairy dancing class.. beautiful sunrises (i was up rather early most of the week) and some great cloudy days too.. we had a daily supply of dandelions to blow.. we decorated the shed, pavement and outdoor furniture with chalk.. we just had a good week really.. 

joining in with fat mum slim's pont + shoot.. 

week-a-boo.. a sneak peak into our weekend

our weekend started off with huge cuddles on friday evening.. whilst in a new box that came into our household.. saturday was a little different as the weather was quite horrible and we were inside most of the day.. cabin fever sets in pretty quickly with my kids.. they much prefer being outside..

i brightened the day up with some bread shapes for lunch, followed by mangoes and avocados.. once the wind calmed down we hung out outside for a while and hunted down all the new dandelions that popped up over night.. the dandelion hunt seems to be a daily adventure at the moment..

the box the kids were playing in was from my new overlocker.. which i am soooo ecstatic about. i've been umming and aaaring about getting one for ages and finally broke down and got one.. omg... i am in loooove.. all my little goodies look so neat and tidy and so professional now. so needless to say i had a little play with my little toy over the weekend...

i love planes! there is no secret there.. and my little man seems to be following in my footsteps. we are located perfectly on the flight path.. we get to see the planes nice and clearly but they're not too noisy as are far enough away.. here is a little pic from my iphone..

lastly but certainly not leastly.. i got to sit down and read a few of my favourite blogs on sunday morning.. i dont read the paper.. real peoples lives are far more interesting and inspiring.. so if you get a chance pop past scissors paper rockmaxabella loves and fat mum slim.. some lovely things there.. claire.. i just love your saturday post!! 

have a peek into other weekends here.. 

shadow shoot sunday..

kiddy art..

this week we got inspired by mr maker.. its one show on the telly that we all sit down and watch.. and i particularly love it as it guarantees the kids attention long enough for me to make, sit and drink a hot cup of coffee.. thank you mr maker!!

anyway.. this week he was making paint monsters, where he thinned out some paint with water and the dribbled a bit of it on the page and blew it around with a straw.. you can get some cool effects.. we didn't quite get to the point of drawing in eyes but it was fun just blowing the paint around the page... we used sparkly paint of course :o) 

what have your kids been up to in the art department this week??
join in using the linky tool below..
and please link back to here.. so others can join in too..