Another week and weekend done and dusted.. another eventful one..
During the week mumma got her hair cut and Ella joined in.. she finally let my hairdresser cut her hair which is sooooo amazing.. means that this christmas she will actually have lovely hair, rather than sporting another home job.. I'm ok, but really just OK.. nothing more.. If I could shave it then I'd be fine with it but scissors.. naaaah!! A perfect girls day as far as I'm concerned..
relaxing in the barber seat waiting for her turn.. |
The next day was mummy and Zaccy day so we did the usual boy things of hanging out in the back yard.. getting grubby.. popped in to the GP as we do most weeks and got an all clear on everything.. big big major WOW!!! I don't think we ever left the doc's with an all clear..
We picked up Ella a little earlier than normal as Zaccy was missing her.. they played and ran a muck as they always do when the one not at home returns.. it was beautiful.. Then came bath time.. they usually drag along some toy from the house and after clearing it with me take it in the bath.. Now a cushion as far as mummy was concerned was not suitable.. unfortunately Zac didn't agree.. we had a good melt down which ended in a big crack to the eyebrow on the side of the bath..
So our evening ended with a family trip to emergency.. Ella finally realised that going to hospital is not all its cracked up to be.. that there are some sick and hurt people that go there.. that they stitch people up, etc, etc.. Zaccy got his first four stitches above his right eye and yes.. the nurses thought he was it and a bit.. I guess chicks really do dig scars..
He was tough though.. a lot tougher than me.. I woosed out and made dad stay with him while they stitched him up and was told that he just laughed and clapped all the way through.. Love you my tough nut!!
we got our annual breast cancer purchase.. this year there are selling the most adorable flashing rubber duckies around.. look out for them.. sooo damn cute and proceeds go to such a worthy cause..
We found giant dandelions in our mass of weed ridden indecision in the front yard.. these suckers were the size of oranges.. and I mean biiiig oranges.. spectacular!!
The Adelaide Christmas Pageant was on this Saturday.. which means the official beginning of the lead up to Christmas.. Some people put their christmas trees up but not us.. My birthday is in December so I kind of like to have a birthday without the tree.. We did however start a little bit of decorating by putting up some window stickers.. I picked them up at the $2 store.. meaning there were enough sheets that the kids could join in and I wouldn't stress about wastage.. We all had a ball and now the kids have gorgeous snowflakes and stars on their windows which glow in the dark..
Ella being the little lady she is, dressed up for the occasion in her last years christmas dress (which actually fits her properly this year)..
and to finish the weekend off the kids did a little concert..
and dad couldn't resist joining in as soon as he got home..
We have a great big skip sitting in our front yard at the moment and this week I look forward to de-cluttering the house.. having a good spring clean and throwing out everything unnecessary in our everyday existence..
hope you all had a lovely weekend