{snippets} from the weekend..

Another action jackson weekend.. In a nutshell.. 
Saturday was boring.. household work.. kids trying to kill each other in one form or another.. Predominantly the larger one trying to either poison the small one by feeding him bubble mixture or jumping on his head while in the trampoline.. But in the end all survived. 
The big boy bought home a big bucket of pears and I picked some figs off the next door neighbours tree that hangs generously over our fence.. 
In the evening when the kiddo's slept I got to watch the most amazing thing.. baby fish hatching out of their eggs. Now for those that know us.. you will know that my hubby is somewhat fish obsessed and we have far too many of them for a suburban house. Really we do!! He also works in the field and looks after some spectacular tanks. So needless to say, I've seen some amazing fish, corals and other swimming things come and go.. but I've never seen baby fish hatching.. omg.. so damn cute. If you have ever seen 'finding nemo'.. they wiggle exactly the same as on the film. 
Sunday was filled to the brim.. A 4th birthday party at THE most fantastic park.. complete with splashing pool, a path that is kind of a waterfall that fills a reservoir that supposedly has fish in it. Playgrounds galore, walks galore & rotundas galore.  It was packed with people all celebrating something or another. 
We got there a little late due to hunky's marathon effort sleep, and as soon as the word yabby popped out of someone's mouth the boys were off.. they do this vanishing act often. The walked around the lake/reservoir thing and just hung out. They have a real thing going on at the moment. Me and Ells did the social thing.. we chatted, ate chocolate fudge cupcakes and soaked up the party end of the park.
While at the same park we also ventured across to join in with another celebration.. well, a farewell really but all for a good reason. One of the loveliest people who just happened to be Ella's teacher before Ella moved into Kidy is leaving this week for QLD. Its so sad to see her go, but she's moving to be with the love of her life, so all I can do is wish her the best of luck for her new chapter in life.. 
We then drove past the park where my gorgeous girl will be having her 4th birthday party next week. We hung out there for a while, visited the ducks & chased the seagulls..
joining in with

{happy monday}

"don't let your circumstances or habits rule your choices today. become a master of yourself and use your will power to choose." 
~ seth godin

about me..

~ welcome to my little corner of the web ~ 

a little bit about {me}..
my name is kasia leach and i’m a mumma to a 5 year old female chatterbox and a soon to be 3 year old miniature steve irwin. i live in the foothills of adelaide, south australia, with my hubby, my two kamikazes, one bird and a million+1 fish.

i love creating things. i love beautiful things. i love photographs, images and peoples faces. i love the feel of paper and fabric in my hands. i love chocolate and ice-cream. i love the colour red. i love an organised house. i love renovating. i love jeans. i love positive people. i love my overworked, fish obsessed husband and i love, love, love being a mum.

after settling into the role of mumma to two amazing little beings, i wanted to reclaim a bit of the old me.. a designer / photographer and somehow blend it together with the new me.. a mumma who likes to create cool tees and artwork for her kiddos.. so.. kasiabear designs was born.

a little bit about {my business}..
kasiabear designs
a collection of original and individually handcrafted clothing + accessories +
hand printed textiles and really cool t-shirts
art prints and personalised prints, birth announcements and invitations

a little bit about {my blog}..
kasiabear… a little bit of me
{bal-ance} between.. life.family.work.me
trying to find a balance where all elements of my life exist in harmony is easier said than done.. so this blog is the journey towards finding balance between motherhood, working from home and holding on to my identity as a wife, designer, photographer and friend.. 

i write about motherhood, positive parenting, design, photography, handmade goodness, diy and my life in general.. you will see a few bits of my work pop up in here, but to be kept up to date with kasiabear designs.. head over to my facebook page. 

so that is me and my life.. and here is the dictionary meaning.. 
{3} a state in which various elements form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest
{4} a state of emotional and mental stability in which somebody is calm and able to make rational decisions and judgments
{3} vt to assess and compare the relative importance of different factors or alternatives before making a choice or decision

encarta® world english dictionary © 1999 microsoft corporation. all rights reserved. developed for microsoft by bloomsbury publishing plc.

{this week i'm grateful for..} our childcare centre..

{image: studio jarrah}
Soon after my daughter was born, my hubby and I checked out a childcare centre I'd been eyeing off for a while. It was new, colourful and everywhere I seemed to go, I'd drive right past it. I wasn't sure how my work schedule would be or anything really, but at that stage everyone talked about how hard it was to get into a good childcare centre.. So I thought I'd get a spot for when our little one was one, just in case.

When the time came, we needed that spot more than ever. I went back to work and with the only family member in Australia, packing to move to the UK, there was no other choice really. Four years on, both my children now go to the centre and the place is just as warm, welcoming and wonderful as it was when we took our first tour.

So this week I'm grateful for:
{1} The wonderful environment that our kids spend time in while not at home with me..
{2} The gorgeous, fun, bubbly, well trained, super helpful and caring staff that look after my babies..
{3} The lovely mum's I've met through the centre..
{4} Sometimes taking way too long at drop off and pick up as mumma gets chatting..
{5} The things my kids have learned through attending the centre..
{6} The 100+ people that read my blog.. and I'm celebrating with a little giveaway.. 
{7} Super snuggly cuddles at 2am from my little man who is almost two and still wakes for a feed..

joining in with the gorgeous Maxabella Loves..
mummy from the heart's.. reasons to be cheerful..

{celebration & giveaway}.. a digital makeover..

oh my goodness.. 100+ peoples read my blog.. 
Can you tell that I'm slightly excited?? 
I'm loving my blog and I love that you guys read what I write and pop past and leave lovely words for me to read too. 

to say a thank you I'd like to give one of you
~ my lovely readers ~ 
{a digital makeover}

You may have noticed me getting into the photo-imaging a lot more.. Well.. its my background and I let it slip for a while but I'm so loving being a part of the 'let's do 52' and fixing up photos each week. I've picked photos I love, but that are technically in need of some help each week, and I've helped them out a little.. 
Some before and after examples: here, here and here.. 

So here's the deal.. 
If you have a photo that has a perfect smile, has captured something perfectly but the background is shocking, the lighting should have been different or just needs help, enter it for your chance to win. 

... the fine print ... 
{1} follow the kasiabear blog.. 
{2} leave a comment below.. 
... for additional entries ...
{1} follow kasiabear on facebook..
{2} mention this giveaway on your blog..
{3} mention this giveaway on your facebook page..
{4} tweet about this giveaway.. 
{5} suggest kasiabear to your friends on facebook..  {each person = one additional entry}
please leave a separate comment for each entry.. 

Competition closes Thursday, 3rd of March 2011 at 11:59pm.
Winner will be announced on Monday, 10th March 2011. 

{recipe} cheesy tortilla triangles

Heading into the weekend I know I am going to get bombarded with requests for snacks. Without a doubt the request will come in the form of "mumma i'm huuuuuungry" whilst opening the fridge, pantry and grabbing at anything that first pops into sight.. might I add here that the blinkers are always on and there seems to be a spotlight on either yoghurt, cheese or nutella. Not all bad choices, but to increase the time frame between these requests, I feel I need to fill those tummies a little more. So I try to make something that will sustain them for at least half an hour, and in hopes that it might just be an hour between the next attack of the fridge. 

Now for the tricky part.. whatever I make needs to be almost instantaneous, so I have a little list of super quick recipes for filling snacks for the kiddos.. Here is one of my favourites.

{cheesy tortilla triangles}

{1} 2 tortillas
{2} pizza sauce
{3} diced bacon
{4} grated cheese
{5} oil for cooking

{1} oil frying pan (i like the spray oil)
{2} put one tortilla on the frying pan
{3} drizzle with pizza sauce + sprinkle with bacon + cheese
{4} cover with another tortilla
{5} fry till tortilla is starting to brown and cheese starts melting
{6} flip and fry till the other tortilla is golden
{7} cut into triangles and serve.. remembering to tell the little monkeys that its hot.. 

This is a seriously easy recipe and can be adapted to include tuna, mushrooms and any other pizza toppings your kiddos like. Mine are in the 'plain food' phase so the simpler the better. 

What's a super quick food you feed your kiddos when the attack of the hungry tummy comes?

{let's do 52} week 8.. strength + green

Easy choice for this week.. my Aries/Ox..
Many health issues.. faar too many injuries and a sister that could drive the best of us nuts..
This little man has the strength of an Ox, pushes through it all and seeps all he can out of life..
Love you my little man.. and your angry little face!!

You can view the full size image in my flickr album and other entries in the Paint the Moon group...

{quick three..} favourite shoes..

Now this one is a tricky one.. there are many different shoes I love for very different reasons. Without the doubt though the shoes above.. my super insanely comfortable birkis.. are my ultimate favourite.. I've mentioned them as my favourite shoes before here.. and they still top the list!!

So here are my three..

{1} birkenstocks / birkis
I have to put this under the birkenstock brand name as I have too many pairs I wear on a regular basis to stick to just three.. I got my first pair of bikenstocks when I was pregnant with Ella as I had terrible back aches and I needed shoes with some support without going all nanna-like. I fell in love and the birkenstock shop is a dangerous place for me to enter.. I have not yet left there without a pair of shoes.. oooops!!

So here is some of my collection.. I even own a pair of birkenstock slippers for winter.. and last year Ella got her first pair of birkis.. the red cat ones to match my original pair.

{2} keens
Now these are possibly heading into the nanna category, but hey.. they are so super comfy and one of few pairs of shoes I own other than birkenstocks.. I love them and I think I might have to invest in a red pair this year.. You have got to check out the keens website.. there is an option to check out how the shoes look with jeans. Lots of fun!!

{3} blundstones
These go back to my winery days.. but I still love them. I don't often wear them but when mud is involved then they always come out..

So.. tell me.. what are your fave three pairs of shoes? 
I know I cheated a little and generalised it with brand names.. but its so hard. Even for a non-shoe-obsessed gal.. its oh, so very hard!!

Grab my {quick three..} button from my sidebar if you like and add your {quick three..} post below. 
Please add a link back to here in your post so others can join in the fun. This linky will be open all week.. 
we're all busy so no hurry.. 
For more info go to the {quick three} tab at the top. 
If you don't have a blog or haven't had a chance to do a post.. feel free to jot down your little list as a comment..

next tuesday will be my little girls 4th birthday
so next week theme will be
{favourite girls toys}
now these can be toys you had as a girl,
you always wanted when you were younger or your daughter loves.. 

{snippets} from the weekend..

Another weekend done and dusted.. I think I must seriously be getting older and older, as time seems to go so much quicker than ever before..

We had a lovely weekend of family and building. We finally finished off the little project that was started a few weeks back..  We converted an old wardrobe into a little aviary/large bird cage for our little cockatiel buddies Bob and Charlie. They've been with us for quite a while and due to their ridiculously loud whistles, kind of got banished to the back room. So something had to change.. and now it has.. they have a new home under the verandah so they can be a part of our family again.

Zaccy loves these feathered little guys and spent most of Sunday just chatting to them. He has learned to count.. 7, 8, 9, 10.. (not sure where the 1, 2, 3 etc is yet) so I'm thinking Charlie might be counting soon too. By the way.. Bob is a girl.. we only found this out when she laid an egg (4 years after we got her).

Preparations have started for my Ella's Birthday Party as well.. Invitations have gone out and my little princess is super excited.. we're counting down the sleeps (approximately 236 times a day)..

I'm running a bit late with my weekend post this week.. for a very good reason though.. My dear primary school friend who now lives in QLD, was in Adelaide with her family for a quick visit, so we headed down to her in-laws house with the kiddos this morning and joined in. Oh how I miss having her around.. but on the good note, its just so lovely to see our kids, who only see each other once a year or so, get along so beautifully. Love you my sweet!!

What did you get up to on the weekend?

playing along with 

happy monday..

"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." 
   - Oscar Wilde

{let's do 52} week 7.. handmade + macro

I really should have done a macro this week, but I couldn't resist this photo.. 
It was taken a couple weeks back when Zaccy was hired for a 'hillbilly' photo shoot.. I of course snuck in a few photos of my little man in his little overalls made for him for the day by his auntie G.. hence the choice for this weeks theme.. handmade..

head over to paint the moon's flikr page to have a look at some other fab entries.. 
i'm also joining in with hey harrie't shadow shot sunday with this photo.. 

{this week i'm grateful for..} friends and the www..

Another little week of reflection and re-evaluation for this mumma. I started the week of with a horrible head cold so I tried to do the 'relax and take care of yourself' thing that everyone talks about. I even got a box of Lemsip and religiously took it along with my echinacea, zinc and vitamin C tablets..

I spent a lot of time on the computer as I am not entirely capable of doing nothing at all. I joined in with a group on Aussie Mummy Bloggers to improve my blog. I wrote a pitch for my blog and business. I found a number of amazing sites written by amazingly inspiring mums and I stumbled upon this gorgeous clip which a friend of mine had emailed me a while ago and I completely forgot about.

I read this incredibly amazing post about post natal depression and got re-inspired to work on a project that I have been working on for a few months, that has taken a back seat of late. I will share soon.. I promise, its just not quite in its sharing state yet.

What advice would you give to a new mum?

As far as PND goes I'm great, we have a happy groove happening in our little family and life is fantastic. Whenever I read posts or watch clips like the ones above though, reality hits. I realise how incredibly lucky I was to have such a amazing set of friends to help me identify PND and get it under control as quickly as I did and I am so grateful that they didn't make me feel like a bad mum because I went through PND.

So this week I am grateful for..
my amazing friends.. you guys know who you are..

the www..
{1} i get inspired by other people
{2} i love reading what real mums have to say
{3} i am so incredibly grateful for people that are able to share about post natal depression
{4} i love the community feeling that is in blog land
{5} i love access to information

joining in with {maxabella loves} i'm grateful for..

taking the elevator up a few levels..

An elevator pitch?? When is the last time I took an elevator.. at bunnings I think. Like there'll be someone in that elevator to pitch my blog/business to. Well you never know, do you??

♥ live the life you love 
love the live you live

{my blog}
{bal-ance} between.. life.family.work.me
tag line: 
finding a balance where all elements of life exist in harmony - easier said than done
a journey towards finding balance between motherhood and working from home and not loosing my identity as a wife, designer, photographer and friend.. 
about me:
a little bit about me..
my name is kasia pawelski-leach {yep.. that is the short version}

i’m a mumma to a soon to be 4 year old girl and a soon to be 2 year old little man. i live in the foothills of Adelaide, South Australia, with my hubby, my two kamikazes, two birds and a million+1 fish.

i love creating things. i love beautiful things. i love photographs, images and peoples faces. i love the feel of paper and fabric in my hands. i love chocolate and ice-cream. i love the colour red. i love an organised house. i love renovating. i love jeans. i love positive people. i love my overworked, fish obsessed husband and i love, love, love being a mum.

a little bit about my business..
after settling into the role of mumma to two amazing little beings, I wanted to reclaim a bit of the old me.. a designer and a photographer and somehow blend it together with the new me.. a mumma who likes to create unique clothing and artwork for her kiddos.. so.. kasiabear designs was born.

{my business}
kasiabear designs
tag line: 
{simple}{beautiful}{unique} clothing + paper goods
a collection of original and individually handcrafted clothing + accessories
hand printed textiles and simple screen-printed t-shirts
art prints and personalised prints, birth announcements and invitations

so what do you think? i'd love to hear your thoughts? if i said the pitch to you in an elevator would you run as soon as the door opened? 

thats my life.. and here is the dictionary meaning.. 
{3} a state in which various elements form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest
{4} a state of emotional and mental stability in which somebody is calm and able to make rational decisions and judgments
{3} vt to assess and compare the relative importance of different factors or alternatives before making a choice or decision

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

time for a change..

So.. I've been here for a little while now.. in blogland that is. I like it, it's my little spot to do what I like, write what I like and in a way my little world. I've met a number of great people, some amazing and inspiring mums and have made myself quite comfortable really.

But why am I here?? Well.. because I like it!

When you are posed with a question though, and you are not entirely sure how to answer it, or on the other hand you are sure, but what you do and how you answer the question is a little different, you question yourself.. right?? Well, I know I do..

My little kasiabear business has taken off and is moving into some amazing new directions, so a lot of time has been focussed on this area of my life. Needless to say anything other than family and kasiabear at this stage is getting analysed and re-analysed and needs to be justified so that I feel right about dedicating time to it.. and this includes my online pocket of joy.. my blog.

Since I heard about the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Group starting up on Aussie Mummy Bloggers, I have been umming and aaaaring about joining and participating. I'm trying to justify the time spent on my blog already.. not to mention the added time to build it to be something better.

After a lot of thought and especially after reading the first part of the ProBlogger book I purchased a while back, I realised that I want to stay here and the reason is kind of what this blog originated as.. the juggle between all the things I love, the love and passion I have for all aspects of my life and finding a balance.

Over the next 31 days you will see a change happening on my blog.. it may look entirely different one day when you drop past.. its still me though.. just look for my photo with my kiddo's.

{quick three..} favourite items of clothing..

Feeling a bit under the weather today so this will be a really quick {quick three..} today.. but that's OK because these items are an easy choice for me.. 

{1} stripy bonds hoody/hoodies.. 
So comfy.. so versatile.. and the red/blue stripe always reminds me of dr seuss.. bonus!!

{2} jeans.. 
I say this term loosely at the moment as there is no particulair pair as my weight has been a little all over the shop since my first preganancy.. so till it gets a little more steady.. target jeans it is. Still love them nevertheless.

{3} bonds socks..
OK.. no 3 was a toss up between bonds socks and tshirts, yes I love my bonds, but the socks win.. 

Grab my {quick three..} button from my sidebar if you like and add your {quick three..} post below. Please add a link back to here in your post so others can join in the fun. This linky will be open all week.. we're all busy so no hurry.. For more info go to the {quick three} tab at the top. 
If you don't have a blog or haven't had a chance to do a post.. feel free to jot down your little list as a comment..

next week's theme will be 
{favourite shoes}

{snippets} from the weekend..

This year is seriously going far too fast for me already.. another weekend gone and so much to absorb its hard to know where to start. We had another awesome weekend that I'd love to bottle up. The perfect balance between household chores, family time, work, catchups with friends and I even managed to sneak in a (kidless) trip to the Grange Twilight Market and dinner out with a friend.

The kids are at that incredibly gorgeous stage where almost everything they do I just melt and say 'omg.. could you seriously get any cuter?' Hmm... yes there is a incy-wincy bit of cluckiness going on.

joining in with {week-a-boo} + {point + shoot}

happy valentines..

happy monday..

seth godin

{kasiabear designs} featured in ...is it friday already? treasury

Very excited to be featured in this treasury this week.. what a cool collection of red {my fave} and denim {my second favourite}..

{this week i'm grateful for..} my mother's group..

all but one.. 
A close friend of mine recently had her first baby and yesterday we had a pretty in-depth conversation about the ups and downs of the first few weeks at home with a new bubba. I gave her all the advice I could but made sure I highlighted the fact that this is just advice and that she is the mumma and to only go with what I said if it feels right in her heart. One of the bits of advice I gave her is to attend the mums group session that Child Youth Health organises as it provides a wealth of real information about looking after a bub.

As one does, I then thought back to those 6 weeks when I myself was a new mumma and attended the sessions with Ella. The time spent there was a time in my life I will never forget and I time I will cherish for the rest of my life. It was an eclectic collection of first time mums doing their best to try and figure out all the ins and outs of this new journey they have just started. It was fun, funny, informative, entertaining and a time where I made some incredible friends.

Almost 4 years on my eclectic collection of mums from my mums group still keep in touch. One of our gang has moved to the US and another to Sydney but the ones left behind in lil old Adelaide still get together when we can and we all make sure we keep in touch with the ones that have left. Some of us are onto our second child and some still on their first. Some of the things our first little one missed out on as far as illnesses etc, the second one has had {such as zaccy with his grommets} and its so nice to get the first hand info from the mums I know about the procedure etc.

All the kids go to each others bithday parties, we do a mum's group christmas party each year and soon.. I think we might just do a 'solo' mum catch up too. I look forward to each and every catchup and feel so comfortable around these girls.. after all, they were there when all our kids cried, vomited and pooed in unison. To top it all off one of the little boys from the first generation has not only known my little Ella from day dot, but has gone to the same childcare centre.. is now going to her kindergarten and will also be going to school with her.. I always wanted twins and although I was blessed with two non-twins.. this is as good as it gets..

So this week, I am so incredibly grateful for..

{1} Child Youth Health - for sending a nurse to my house who recommended and signed me up for a mums group.
{2} Fate - for bringing us girls together.
{3} The girls - each one different and each one so incredibly genuine and supportive
{4} The kids - for making me smile and laugh and go 'aaaaawwwwwww!!! you're so cuuuuute' in such an incredibly clucky way..

I really could write a novel on how fabulous my mums group is, but in reality I don't have the time right now. But to each and every one of you 'mum's group' girls.. You Rock!!

joining in with maxabella loves.. 

{let's do 52} week 6.. obsession + hearts

Just a little run down on this photo..
{1} it was a crappy photo from my iPhone
{2} the reason I chose it was that my little man is completely in love with his chuggington train set he got for christmas, so the photo fits the theme very well
{3} I used a range paint the moon's actions, touched it up a lot and finished it off with Moxie - Suede and then framed it with paint the moon's before and after frames..

{quick three..} coffee shops i love..

Coffee would have to be one of my top rating pleasures in life.. I can't remember back to days when I didn't drink coffee and the quantity shall remain a secret for the time being, purely as its way above the daily recommended amount. 

I drink instant coffee at home, purely because its quick, easy and we don't have a fancy pants coffee machine {yet}. I can't be bothered cleaning the plunger and the bialleti machine just takes too long and always burns coffee as I am never there to turn off the gas when its done. But I do love my coffee and although I would drink almost any coffee, I much prefer a good coffee. 

My top three for this week are:

Soul Food Espresso
because I'm a mumma who likes to drink coffee with kids in tow.. 
A little tiny gem discovered by one of our mum's group girls. Its tucked away in a tiny shopping complex in the burbs. Its super kid friendly as it has a massive play corner with an abundance of toys and they kids just disappear, leaving us mumma types to partake in one of their fab coffees. They also make THE best pancakes and have an awesome Sunday brekky. 
soul food espresso on facebook.. soul food espresso on little lates..

Endue Cafe and Gift Shop
because mumma likes to shop while waiting for her coffee..
My little local coffee shop. It has the perfect set up.. a coffee shop which makes great coffee and food with the added bonus of being a gift shop full of fab quirky little treasures. Its the place I go if I cannot think of a perfect gift and its a great hang out spot for me and Ells as they have a doll house. Hunky could do some major damage there so we keep him away for the time being.
endue cafe on facebook..

East Terrace Continental
because mumma like damn good brekky and coffee..
Not a coffee shop I go to often as its in the city and not all that kid friendly. Its a special occasion sort of place where we go for birthdays etc. These guys make fantastic breakfasts and the coffee is just perfect. I love the rustic look of the place, its gloomy feel and old wooden chairs. I love how the sun floods the place in the mornings and I just love taking pics of my kiddos there. When they're a bit older I think we'll spend a few more mornings there. 
etc website.. 

what's your favourite coffee shop?  where do you like to hang out?

Grab my {quick three..} button from my sidebar if you like and add your {quick three..} post below. Please add a link back to here in your post so others can join in the fun. This linky will be open all week.. we're all busy so no hurry.. For more info go to the {quick three} tab at the top. 
If you don't have a blog or haven't had a chance to do a post.. feel free to jot down your little list as a comment..

next week's theme will be 
{favourite items of clothing}
this can be your fave pair of jeans.. that red dress you no longer fit into.. or your old tshirt full of holes you just can't bare to part with.. 

image from here and here 

{week-a-boo} bowling + building..

Another action jackson weekend.. Mother nature was lovely and turned down the heat a little in Adelaide..

My weekend started off on a day with my boy on Friday.. He got his grommet put back in early morning and we were home by 10:30am.. Again the effects were instant!! Zaccy sang and danced all Friday.. We played with water outside most of the day trying to stay cool and just hung out. I am just so incredibly blessed to be able to spend a solid day with one kiddo at a time. Its pure quality and I love it!!

Saturday was all systems go.. We continued with our building projects outside while the kids slowly emptied the soil out of pot plants (as you do).. My brother popped in so the kiddos got some uncle time and terrorised his car yet again..

Sunday was family day.. We braved the bowling alley for a 4th birthday. All the other mums did the sensible thing of leaving the smaller sibling at home.. but not us.. no.. not us.. The big boy's nerves were shot. Being a bowler {yes.. i have a smirk on my face} himself, he was all paranoid about kids ruining the lanes with street shoes, yada, yada.. I promise I didn't laugh too loudly and I only rolled my eyes a few times. No.. really, it was cool and Zaccy enjoyed the actual bowling far more than Ells did. She just hung out in the Daytona car most of the time till the birthday cake came out. Yep.. that's my girl. 

joining in with scissors paper rock fat mum slim