A couple of weeks back when Bega contacted me to review the new flavours of their Stringers range, I jumped at the chance. When Ella was born I was one of those super ready, super educated and somewhat obsessive mothers. I carried around a book which listed all the food additives and read the back of each food label and made an educated decision on each food that entered Ella's mouth.
Bega Stringers passed all the tests and it has been the cheese that Ella has eaten since the day she ate cheese. Up until recently the little man has been very lactose intolerant, and without me knowing, Ella has been sneaking him bites of her cheese, with no icky repercussions. So now he is classified as lactose sensitive and although he can't handle too much dairy.. he is allowed to eat sticks of Bega Stringers. Which I must add he is absolutely overjoyed about.
After receiving our little sample pack we had the girls next door over for a cheese tasting. The kids sampled the new Swiss and Cheddar Stringers and gave us the thumbs up for each flavour.. Even Bob the Cockatiel joined in and chose the cheese over lettuce.
With a second munchkin running around, I might not have as much time to research each food that enters my children's mouths as much as I did in the past, but the tried and tested foods such as Bega Stringers are constantly on the shopping list and in the fridge.
Ella has now started Kindergarten, meaning I have the responsibility of packing her a lunch that she will eat without my help, and the cheese is one thing I know she will eat each and every time.
Another thing I personally love about the Stringers is the portion size.. yep.. portion.. for us mumma's trying to get rid of that mummy tummy..
Thanks Bega.. not only for the opportunity to sample the new range but also for providing such a handy yet REAL cheese for my munchkins to eat.

ps.. i have not been paid for this review, but i am in the running to win a david jones gift voucher for participating in the review process.
We love the stringers too, I didn't realize they had other flavones though.