{let's do 52} week 5.. delicate

here is my photo for this week.. 

I thought I'd share the before and after shot.. I used paint the moon's actions and a texture on this image and it just did the trick.. The reason I chose this image for the theme delicate was because it describes my little girls personality perfectly.. she is a delicate soul, she has simply delicate features and she is my little delicate treasure.. 

happy monday..

seth godin

{week-a-boo} it was a hot one...

God bless our air-conditioner and my handy andy hubby who just manages to keep it going and going.. although it really probably should be replaced. The old boy kept us cool in this hideous heat however (the air-conditioner not the hubby). I like lovely sunny days.. but once it gets over 35degC, I start wingeing like a toddler and turn into a sloth.. eeek!!
when cabin fever sets in..
whiteboard markers replace lipstick..
Moving on to the highlights.. we spent the days inside and it was nice to chill and not have any major events on.. I started on my softies for QLD project.. Ella also picked out some fabric so I could make her one and one for Zaccy too. They're about half way there but looking damn cuute!!

Another big big highlight was visiting one of our friends in hospital and meeting their new bubba boy.. oh my he is just too cute for words. I got to meet him on Thursday but just had to sneak in another visit..
There is something cool about hospitals when you are there for good reasons.. there is so much art installations, artwork, chill out areas.. here are some I just had to take a pic of..
the kids and boys trying to find the local koala..
no luck this time.. 
and and and..
there were a little family of bubba ducks too..
joining in with 
scissors paper rock's week-a-boo
fat mum slim's point+shoot

ps.. and to top the weekend off I found out that I won one of these little guys over at my little drummer boys..
a cordless mouse..
thank you Trish!!

{shadow shoot sunday} morning sun..

I just love how the sun shines through our front windows in the morning..
We open our main blind as we go to sleep and only have the sheer one up so that the sun wakes us up each morning (well thats the plan.. which fails each morning as the munchkins usually get in before the sun)..
the shadow our blind casts on our wall each morning..
yep.. its what it looks like..
bird poo on our window casting a shadow..
its getting washed off today so i just had to take a pic..

{this week i'm grateful for..} my life..

live the life you love...
... love the life you live

Ten years ago my then fiance and I decided to leave the States and head to Australia. We weren't quite sure whether it was going to be for a little while or a lifetime, but on this day 10 years ago we arrived and since made this place our home. 

We started off from scratch as I had sold almost everything I owned to move to the States and he came here with only two suitcases. Since then we have bought a house, got a car each, he has started and developed his business to now be the most sought after fish guy in the state. I finished off my degree and we now have two absolutely amazing little cherubs. 

So in a nutshell.. I'm just so incredibly grateful for the move we made and the life we now have. There are always things to do and to move forward towards.. but hey.. that's just life. 

joining in with maxabella loves.. i'm grateful for blog hop

{quick three..} countries i'd love to visit..

Between being born in Poland.. growing up in Australia.. having an American husband and with family scattered all over the world.. I'm lucky enough to have travelled a fair bit.

I loved living in the states for the short time I was there. Ten years ago we decided to make the move to back to Australia so that I could finish my degree and have now made it home. We often think about moving back.. we have the discussion, come up with pro's and con's and the answer always ends up being.. here, Australia.

So the three countries I'd love to visit are:

New Zealand.. I've stopped over in Auckland but only saw the airport.. but I'm curious.. really curious. I love what I've seen as far as photos go. Its lovely and close to here, making it a somewhat easier destination to go as a family, and it has snow.. yep.. snow. This is pretty much on the top of my list as the next holiday destination.. so fingers crossed, it's not too many years away.

USA.. I've seen a bit, travelled around a bit and loved what I saw. It's definitely a destination that is on the list and not only because I want to see so much more, but because there is so much family that I'd love to see and I'd love to introduce our kids to. It's a bit of a future plan but probably not till the kids get a little older as I really want them to remember the trip and the people they meet.

Australia.. Yep.. I want to see more of this country and Tasmania is on top of the list. Its so close but I'm yet to get there. I want to take my big boy somewhere where he can do some serious fly-fishing again. I loved watching him in the States as he threw the rod back and forth with such grace and it brings back so many beautiful memories. I used to sit on the banks on my little picnic rug, reading a book, sketching, writing in my notebook, taking photographs and just watching. It was so peaceful.. so serene!

What countries would you love to visit?

Grab my {quick three..} button from my sidebar if you like and add your {quick three..} post below. Please add a link back to here in your post so others can join in the fun. This linky will be open all week.. we're all busy so no hurry.. For more info go to the {quick three} tab at the top. 
If you don't have a blog or haven't had a chance to do a post.. feel free to jot down your little list as a comment..

next week's theme will be 
{flowers i love}

{let's do 52 project} week 2 & week 3

While tossing up which path to take as far as my business.. I've started playing with what I already know, what I love and what makes me chill.. I joined in with Paint the Moon's Let's do 52 project a couple of weeks back. I've talked about Pain the Moon before in the past as far as actions go, but Annie is just super cool as far as inspiring all us photographers, budding, professional and just happy snappers.

I have a heap of her actions, textures and templates and I thought this would be a great little gentle kick up the butt to start playing around with them and commit myself to something for the year that is just for me..

So here are my first two entries..

{week 2} 
togetherness... and metal

{week 3} 
abandoned... and doors

{week-a-boo} a sneak peak into our weekend..

What a gorgeously eclectic weekend.. We did the house hold type stuff that sadly must happen every week.. but then we got into a little bit of building.. of the bird aviary variety.. more on that as the project develops.. but in short, we are converting an old wardrobe into an aviary..

Here are a few snaps of the weekend adventures.. There are so many more to download from my camera.. but for now the iPhone ones will just have to do the trick..

We hung out in our backyard.. and hunky can now reach all the swinging equipment solo.. he just loves it and maaaan.. he is strong.. he just hangs and hangs and spins and hangs some more.. 

 The photo just doesn't do it justice.. one of the most hilarious things in the world to watch.. its like an amusement ride.. they both spin each other around.. soo cute.. 

 watch out world.. daddy's making hair clips.. well if only to calm a small girl out of histeria from braking a hair clip (which she never wears mind you).. but hey.. if he can make her wear them.. then I'm all for it.. 
the fridge lock has failed.. a new one will have to be reinstalled.. 
cheeky monkey!!

the little man now eats big boy pancakes.. 
my hunky spunky was adopted out to the hillbillies for a photoshoot.. my god he looked adorable as a little hillbilly.. 
 and even ells snuck in a pic with miss m.. 
 at least someone is sun smart in the family.. 
and we ended the weekend with sandy chips on the beach.. 
mmmm.. sand!!

joining in with scissors paper rock and fat mum slim.. 

happy monday..

seth godin

{this week i'm grateful for..} my car..

It was a bit of an up and down week and thankfully it ended on a good note, good contented feeling of knowing which direction to head, which door to open and which path to follow for the time being. This little day trip I took {which I've already well and truly covered here, here and here..} was what made the difference and without my little buzz box, it quite simply would not have been possible.

So this week, I'm grateful for

♥ my little car... I quite seriously could not function without it. It gets me where I want to go and it gives me my freedom and independence.

♥ my beautiful friend G... who takes time out of her incredibly busy life to be there for me whenever I need her, to be there for my kiddos and to be there for my hubby. I cant imagine my life without her in it and I'm so, so glad I took that Spanish class at uni over a decade ago..

♥ nature.. it just has such an incredible de-stressing effect on me..

joining in with maxabella loves.. 

the OUTCOME of the trip to the country..

With a little bit a lot more clarity after my chill out day I looked at my life as a whole and all the roles I play or the hats I wear..
the physical being, the artist, the photographer, the designer, the gardener, the mother, the wife, the friend, the cleaner, the taxi driver, the renovator, the bookkeeper, the cook, the entertainer
you get the picture.. right???

 I jotted down the above list and, granted, I'm all those things, but enjoy some roles far more than others..
♥ I then thought where I would like to be in 5 years time.. because Rome wasn't built in a day.. right??
♥ Then I acknowledged the fact that I am no longer the master multitasker I once was.. but instead, a sleep deprived mumma with a lingering case of baby brain..
♥ Next I printed off a few of the momAgenda weekly planners and drafted a timetable.. allocating the time I wanted to spend with a particular hat on my head. Yes.. yes.. I know being a mum throws the best of plans out the window sometimes, but a girl's gotta give it a go!
♥ I printed off this quote and stuck it to the fridge...

Don't say you don't have enough time. 
You have exactly the same number of hours, per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein. 
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 
getting it in perspective..
love.. I love being a wifey, I love being a mumma, I love spending time with my cherubs, even though they drive me nuts and leave me exhausted half the time, I love my friends, I love photography, I love designing, I love my blog and I love crafting.. these made it to the top of the list..
like.. I like renovating, I like cooking, I like sewing, I like gardening and I like me..
not my favourite.. I need to clean, I need to be a taxi driver, I need to do the paperwork..
necessary evil.. I have no choice but to look after me.. or the above might as well be scrapped.. paper scrunched and dumped in the bin..

the OUTCOME.. 
yes I do ramble a lot.

everything has a certain amount of time allocated to it.. 
and this schedule now includes time for me

ps. i did my first pilates class this morning.. eeeek!!! i took a moment to have coffee (and cake) in my fave coffee shop and kasiabear designs will continue.. just with a slightly different focus for the time being.. 

the ADVENTURES on the trip to the country..

Photo descriptions are not so necessary I don't think.. in short we had a day of just hanging out.. the kids got to do all those little things that amaze kids like playing with the animals, playing in W shed, with tractors, in the cow tunnel thingies (yes.. i'm not from the country), they got to sit in a mining/drilling truck, mumma got to take photos, auntieG got worn out, we had lunch at a little pizza place and mumma got new birkenstocks.. 

So the reason for going to the country.. even if it was for just for a day trip did its thing.. I got to take focus of everyday life and then refocus.. 

the OUTCOME of the trip to the country.. coming soon..