{quick three..} introduction..

I've often written and talked about the whole concept of 'stopping and smelling the roses', and I say concept as I really don't like roses all that much. I often stop and take a moment to enjoy the little things, in fact I often realise that all those little things were the true highlight of my day.

It can be a moment in time, an experience, a new place I've visited, a smile on my baby's face, a feeling of contentment, a feeling of comfort, a visual highlight.. there are so many things, emotional, visual and material that make me happy. I never focus on material objects but the visual aspect gets me quite often... I almost bought a set of red perspex numbers on etsy today, purely because they were red and looked cool and would have looked awesome in my studio.. but I resisted and just took a moment to think about how cool they are and how nice they made me feel.

Without rambling too much.. as often I do.. I have decided to spend a little time each week thinking about things that make me smile and that I like and jot down the answers here on my little blog. I'll focus on something different each week and write a quick list of three.

I'll set this up as a linky if anyone else wants to join in. There are no rules as to how you write your list of three..
eg: for the theme of favourite place to eat out.. you might like to:
~ write a little bit about 3 places you eat out often and love
~ include 3 photos of meals you have eaten there
~ include 3 links if the places have a website
It's really up to you how you write or describe your quick three.. I just ask that you stick to the weekly topic..

Grab my {quick three..}' button from my sidebar if you like and add your {quick three..} post below. Please add a link back to me in your post so others can join in the fun. The linky will be posted on a Tuesday morning and will be open all week. I'll add a theme for the following week below the post to get you thinking about another things you love and make you smile..

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have a beautiful day..
